Physician Assistant Course

      Physician assistant training focuses on training candidates to help physicians diagnose, treat, and provide preventive health care services. It is an opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge required to support physicians/surgeons in almost all specialities. Physician assistants collaborate with licensed physicians to provide medical care to the patient. Working as members of the health care team, they take medical histories and assist doctors with diagnosis, medical reconciliation and treatment. Specific duties depend on the setting and speciality area of the physician, and they are responsible for performing tasks and procedures under the supervision of a doctor or other medical professional. The physician assistant is a patient-focused role and requires strong interpersonal skills. This course includes 150 hours of training, and more clinical rotations, providing the physician assistant with the applied experience needed to work in various clinical and medical settings.

Course Design

Curriculum units:


Subjects of study:

  Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition and Diets, Microbiology, Psychology, Clinical Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Community and public health, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Health care ethics and Medical terminologies. 

Skills and competence :

    Course highlights

Fee structure and stipend details

Contact details